When the time is right, please consider remembering Independent Arts in your will, helping us to support more island residents over the next 35 years.

Every gift in every will, no matter how large or small, makes a huge difference. You can leave just 1% to Independent Arts, meaning the people you care about most receive 99%.

It costs you nothing to add Independent Arts as a beneficiary of your will but means that we can continue to deliver our life-changing support for years to come.

This can be done when your solicitor drafts your will, or you can add a codicil to your existing will to make a gift from your estate to Independent Arts.

To add Independent Arts to your will, all you need is our registered name and charity number:  Independent Arts, charity number 297474.

Alternatively, you could fill out the sample codicil form here, and return to your will writer or solicitor. We have made a sample codicil to leave a gift to Independent Arts and is available to print and sign: Sample Codicil.

If you have arranged to leave a gift to the charity in your will, please let our office know so that you can be invited to join our Friends Group for long-standing supporters of the charity.