Independent Arts offers a diverse range of creative programmes for all ages, to meet a variety of different interests and needs.

Some of our programmes are designed simply to get you out of the house, doing something creative with likeminded people (often over a nice cup of tea). Others are designed for people facing particular issues and to help improve wellbeing.

What all of our programmes have in common, is that they offer fun and creativity in a safe and friendly environment. Click on the links below to find out what we can offer you.

Explore our creative workshops


Chess Craft

Fun, focused and fabulous for creative thinking, this is a relaxed, friendly chess club for all levels of experience – from complete beginners to experienced players – with sandwiches and a cup of tea!


Creative Café

Creative Café brings people together for a wide range of fun, creative activities. And we make a great cup of tea too!


Helping Hands

Join us Fridays, 12:00 - 1:30 PM at the Creative Hub for goal-setting, crafts, and support.


Make & Create

Make and Create is our Tuesday and Saturday afternoon drop-in sessions 3:30pm - 4:30pm for ages 5 to 105


Meet & Make

An introductory group for those wanting to try an Independent Arts group, practice an activity and socialise


Mindful Moments

If you’re finding life a little stressful, these sessions offer an opportunity to explore mindfulness and creativity, promoting feelings of wellbeing and a calmer state of mind.


Wellbeing Café

Wellbeing Café welcomes you for creativity and chat, in a friendly, safe environment.